Kerja Sosial Perubatan


Medical Social Work Unit role is to manage the patient need of psychosocial/emotional, social and economy due to the illness they are suffering. This is to ensure that they will able to recover as proactive and independent individual in the society. One of the objectives of this unit is to provide services base on confidential patient information, caring and effective that will aid the patient to overcome emotional and other problems that will affect their recovery process. This social treatment process is to help the patient to get the maximum treatment in order to gain back functionalities. This department provides service to all without any discrimination of age, gender, race,  religion and economy status. All the patient information and particular is confidential and only be given to those who have been authorized. Every case will be viewed within 48 hours an working day.



  1. The provision of Medical Social Work  services toIn-patients and Out-patients ( referred from Specialist Clinics and A & E Unit)
  2. To provide social intervention and assistance to the patients and then families through interviews counseling, home visit and consultation.
  3. To provide assistance in travel arrangements for the patient who require treatment at other hospital
  4. To provide assistance to the patients with financial problems in the application of ;
    • Social Welfare aids from The Welfare Department
    • Implant; prosthesis and treatment cost from Tabung Bantuan Perubatan, Yayasan Kebajikan Negara dan Saraubat Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam.
  5. To provide assistance to the patients with following social problems;
    • Unmarried mother
    • Sexual Abuse
    • Domestic violence
    • Child abuse
    • Assaults
  6. To act as a coordinator for the hospital volunteers e.g. Para counselors in One Stop Crisis Center ( OSCC).
  7. To assist the hospital management to liaise with government agencies and non government agencies on issues related to social problems.



Monday – Thursday 0800 – 1300 1400 – 1700
Friday 0800 – 1145 1415 – 1700
 Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday Closed