

Paediatric Medical Ward (PMW) is a multidisciplinary unit covering all specialties in the hospital and accepts paediatric patients from A&E, community clinics and other hospitals within the district. PMW was opened on 15thFebruary 2006, situated at level 3 as Ward 3B. It consists of 28 beds (24 general paediatric beds, 4 beds for paediatric surgical/ orthopaedic). Starting from year February 2022, PMW begins to have make shift PICU beds to cater for increasing needs for ill children. These 4 make-shift PICU beds will be upgraded to PICU beds, leaving with 20 general paediatric beds.



  • To provide health & medical services to children from 1 month up to 12 years of age which include:
  • Inpatient paediatric medical, surgical, orthopedic, ophthalmology cases, and dental services.
  • Specialist outpatient paediatric medical services.
  • Specific cases above 12 which are under paediatric follow up
  • Training of nurses and all health personnel in General Paediatrics.
  • Advocacy role for issues related to child and adolescence health.
  • Quality improvement activities and health systems.


Paediatric Out-patient services:

  • The general paediatric outpatient clinic operates during office hours according to the clinic schedule.
  • Patients shall be seen at paediatric specialist clinic by appointment.
  • Referrals to the clinic shall be from medical practitioners except for urgentcases from MOH health centres without medical officers.
  • Schedule for Clinic Services:
  • Paediatric medical clinic

    Every Tuesday afternoon

    Paediatric medical clinic


    1st & 3rd week

    CBR Clinic


    2nd  & 4th week

    Hospital Saratok Paediatric visiting clinic

    2 monthly

    Paediatric sub-specialist visiting clinic (Paeds rheumatology)

    6 monthly


  • Paediatric Unit (PMW) is operating 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
  • Visitors must follow hospital visiting hours. Only 1 visitor allowed per patient at one time.