Medical Department provide comprehensive medical care in terms of investigative, diagnostic, curative and rehabilitative aspects by utilizing all the currently available personnel and equipments.
- To provide facilities for the assessment, treatment, nursing care and rehabilitation of patients
- To give relevant health education talks to groups / individual patients
- Complicated cases will be referred to tertiary hospitals where specific specialist care is available.
- Referral of patients to other allied health professionals. Examples : Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Dietitians
- Performing referral of patients to Sibu or Kuching General Hospital when subspeciality services and care required.
- Acting as a referral unit for patients from Polyclinics, Pusat Kesihatan and District Hospitals.
- Providing 24 hour service to patients with nursing personnel operating in 3 shifts.
- Providing daycare services to patients needing frequent monitoring and review in close successions.
- Providing diagnostic services including Echocardiogram, Holter Monitoring and Spirometry both in and outpatient.
- Providing isolation care to patients with communicable diseases as well as oncology patients on chemotherapy.
- Acute Ischemic Stroke Thrombolysis services are provided to selected cases as per Thrombolysis Protocol during office hours.