Blood Transfusion Service
The blood transfusion service (BTS) is one of the essential components of the health care delivery system provided by Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia. The Blood Bank Department of Sibu Hospital is located at Block B of the hospital building. The objective of BTS is to provide safe, adequate and equitable supply of blood and blood products as part of our quality patient care services. Safe blood transfusion is a national priority. Promotion of appropriate use of blood and safe transfusion practices shall be emphasized to ensure patient safety and the efficient use of this limited and precious resource.
- General Objective:-
- To provide a safe, adequate and equitable supply of blood and blood products to meet the health care needs of patients.
- Specific Objectives :-
- To incorporate quality assurance in all procedures of the Blood Transfusion Service to ensure safe blood components
- To recruit and retain sufficient number of safe, healthy voluntary non-remunerated donors
- To maximize the preparation of whole blood into blood components so as to ensure suitable and optimum transfusion of the blood products
- To improve the management of Blood Transfusion Service through up-to-date technology and to ensure that service rendered are efficient and effective
Scope of Services
- Collect blood and blood components from eligible blood donors.
- Process blood into blood components for transfusion.
- Act as a screening centre in Central Zone Sarawak to test blood specimens from blood donors for infectious agents.
- Provides 24-hour service for request of suitable blood and blood products for transfusion.
- Investigation of adverse events in donations and transfusion.