Infection Control Unit
- To create a conducive and safe
environment for the patients, healthcare workers and visitors in the hospital.
- To create and promote the awareness on hospital acquired infections among the healthcare workers and all hospital trainees through orientation programs and other education activities.
- To reduce the incidence of hospital acquired infection by promoting cost-effective hospital infection control practices.
- To reduce the incidence of needle stick and sharp injuries in the hospital by promoting good occupational safety practices.
Scope of Services
- To provide adequate training and
supervision to all healthcare workers on issues related to the prevention and
control of hospital acquired infections.
- Development and implementation of infection control policies and practices.
- To monitor healthcare workers’ compliance to infection control policies and practices.
- Conduct of regular environmental audit to ensure a safe and healthy environment for patient care.
- Surveillance on the following
- Incidence of hospital acquired infections and outbreak.
- Point Prevalence survey (6 monthly).
- Incidence of surgical wound infection (clean and clean contaminated wounds)
- Multi-resistant organism (MRO) infection
- Methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) infection
- Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) infection
- Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) infection
- Hepatitis B program – assist the OSHA Unit in screening and immunization for all healthcare workers.
- To promote awareness on needle and sharp injuries among the healthcare workers.
- To maintain a registry of the following occupational hazards in the hospital:-
- Exposure to blood and body fluids.
- Needle-stick and sharps injury (Occupational Health Unit / Infection Control Unit).
- To provide advice and training to healthcare workers from other district hospitals, polyclinics and private medical centers.
- To provide training to all trainees (medical and nursing students) on issues related to the prevention and control of hospital acquired infections