Nursing Department
The Department of Nursing is responsible for the management, supervision and provision of nursing services in the hospital. The nursing administration and nurse managers are considered the “gatekeepers” of the hospital because nurses are the closest to the patients. Nurses work as a team and are responsible to ensure that health quality standards are adhered to in order to minimize risk and provide safe care to all patients.
- To provide caring and holistic nursing care to meet the clients’ needs according to nursing standards as determined by the Nursing Board of Malaysia.
- To promote team spirit and interdisciplinary collaboration through effective communication.
- To provide evidence based practice through research.
- Maintaining and upholding the professional image of nursing
- To promote community participant through collaboration and empowerment
- To ensure the compliance of Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses Registered with the Nursing Board Malaysia
Scope of Services
- Manage the human resource for Nursing and Auxiliary staff
with regards to their orientation, training, professional registration and
- Promoting professional development and continuing education for all nurses and auxiliary staff.
- Providing and delivering good quality nursing care with high standard of nursing practice and professional conduct.
- Providing basic nursing practical training facilities to nursing students when required.
- Representing the nurses’ views and opinions in various issues pertaining to their service and welfare in the various committees of the Hospital.
- Supervise the overall administration and management of nursing accommodation and hostel of the Hospital.
- Monitor and ensure the delivery of high quality linen and laundry services provided by the concession holder.
- Monitor and ensure the delivery of high quality cleansing services provided by the concession holder.
- Ensure timely and adequate supply of sterile products and consumables for delivery of patient care activities
- Ensure compliance to disinfection and sterilization policy and procedures of Central Sterile Supply Services.
- Ensure the provision and delivery of high standard of nursing services to the community both for in-patients and out-patients.
- Coordinate and assist the Hospital Infection Control Unit to ensure compliance to the policies and procedures in the prevention and control of hospital acquired infection.