Obstetrik & Ginekologi

Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department is an integral part of Sibu Hospital in managing maternity (pregnancy-related) and gynaecology (women diseases) cases. It serves as secondary referral centre in Central Zone which covers five divisions namely Sibu, Kapit, Mukah, Sarikei and Betong. It receives referrals from 8 districts hospitals including surrounding clinics i.e. Dalat, Daro, Mukah, Kanowit, Kapit, Sarikei, Saratok and Betong. It also occasionally receives referral from Bintulu Hospital.

O&G department comprises of four wards, namely:

  • Labour Room
  • Antenatal Ward
  • Postnatal Ward
  • Gynae Ward

Scope of Services

●Provision of antenatal care and delivery services for pregnant mothers, as well as diseases and complications that can develop during and after pregnancy

●Provision of Elective and Emergency Caesarean Sections

●Provision of Initial Immunization

●Provision of Bereavement Counselling

●Provision of Fertility Services (Limited)

●Provision of detail scan for high risk pregnant mothers through visiting feto-maternal specialist

●Provision of postnatal care after delivery

●Provision of in-patient and out-patient care for gynaecological patients including chemotherapy for gynae-oncology cases

●Provision of daycare O&G procedures e.g. Blood sugar monitoring, ultrasound scan, etc.

●Provision of O&G services to district hospitals (Hospital Mukah)

●Provision of training for undergraduate medical students and nursing students from various universities and colleges.


  • Wards (Obsterics, Gynaecology)
  • Delivery Suite
  • Main Operating Theatre
  • Maternity Operating Theatre
  • Specialist Out-patient Clinics that include the following:
  • Provision of combined specialist care with Medical Department to provide optimum medical care for pregnant mothers with medical illnesses
  • Antenatal Specialist Clinic
  • Combine Obstetric-Medical Clinic
  • Gynaecology Clinic
  • Pre-pregnancy & Family Planning Clinic


The delivery suite (Ward 8) is located at the ground floor of the Inpatient Block.


To provide optimal, supportive and evidence based care for the mothers and babies during the intra-partum and immediately postpartum periods, through provision of skilled and empathic personnel, adequate and well maintained monitoring facilities, and prompt utilization of appropriate interventions.  Ultimately, to ensure a safe and fulfilling childbirth process for both mothers and babies.


  • Provision of facilities for monitoring of mothers and fetuses during labour and delivery.
  • Provision of trained midwife for supporting mothers through the childbirth process.
  • Provision of 24 hours service by specialist, medical officers and house officers on-call.
  • Provision of high dependency care for maternity cases requiring critical monitoring.
  • Provision of a baby friendly, mother friendly and husband friendly ward environment.
  • Provision of day care services.
  • Provision of initial newborn immunization soon after delivery.
  • Provision for clinical teaching of UNIMAS medical students, student nurses from private & government colleges, KPSL students and student Jururawat Masyarakat.
  • Provision of pain relief services for laboring mothers
  • Provision of husband/partner-friendly and baby-friendly hospital initiative policy



The antenatal ward (No. 7) is located on the ground floor of the hospital premises, just opposite the delivery suite.


  • To provide facilities for assessment and treatment of antenatal problems, for nursing and education of prenatal mothers and mothers in early stage of labour.
  • To provide 24 hours service, with nursing personnel working in 3 shifts.
  • To observe and maintain the ‘Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative’ policy, and to re- enforce teaching on breastfeeding by health staff.
  • Provision on care, education and awareness on Pre-pregnancy care / family planning / HIGH RISK identification, notification and follow-up services. 
  • To emphasize on the training of House Officers, Medical Officers, Nursing staff and Student JM, KPSL students, student nurses both from private & KKM. Provision shall be made to cater for teaching of medical students from various colleges and universities.



 The Postnatal Ward (No. 5) is located on the ground floor of M Block, east of the hospital, and is directly opposite the operation theatre.


  • Provision of facilities for diagnosis, treatment and nursing care of all postnatal mothers and their newborn babies.
  • Provision of initial newborn BCG immunization, also capturing missed BCG and Hepatitis B immunization. To ensure that these two immunization are given within 24hrs.
  • Provision of 24 hours services by specialist, medical officers, house officers and nursing staff.
  • Provision of child safety services through referrals as in SCAN TEAM workflow.
  • Provision of health education including pre-pregnancy care / family planning.
  • Provision of advice, support and encouragement for breastfeeding in line with the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Policy.
  • Provision for clinical teaching of medical students, KPSL students, Basic student nurses and student Jururawat Masyarakat.



The gynecology ward (No. 12) is located on the first floor of the hospital.


The ward provides facilities for the assessment, treatment and nursing care of patients with

  • Gynecological problems
  • Pregnant mothers with gestational period less than 22 weeks.
  • Postnatal mothers admitted after 24 hours of childbirth (from outside deliveries) or

those readmitted after discharge.

  • Postnatal mothers who deliver still-birth babies.
  • Rape or domestic violence cases
  • The ward also provides beds for the postnatal mothers who are readmitted regardless

of any discipline and are willing to continue breastfeeding their healthy babies.

  • Service shall be provided 24 hours a day, with nursing personnel working on 3 shifts.